
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Creating A Greek Multiplication Table

It’s the end of the year and your kids are dreaming of summer. It’s hard enough to keep them in their seat much less quite, right? Time to do something different and hopefully fun. How about learning their multiplication tables (or how to add) in Greek!

Our number symbols is taken from the Arabic number symbols, but here is the Greek equivalent. And here is a site of all Greek Numbers 1-999

Arabic number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Greek numbers :

The Greeks “had different symbols for 1,2,3 up to 9, just like us. However, they did not use the same symbols to represent numbers greater than 9. They had a new set of symbols for 10, 20, 30, and so on, and yet another set for 100, 200, 300. This has the disadvantage, like so many of the ancient counting systems, that you eventually ran out of symbols!”

The goal of this project is for your students to create a Greek multiplication table like the following helping solidify their own multiplication understanding.

For numbers 1-144 use the following site


  1. Hi ,cool blog you have got here . It has taught me a lot how to improve my blog. Here is the link

    See you soon,Lily.

  2. What a neat idea! I make my 6th graders re-learn their multiplication tables at the beginning of the year. This is at the same time they are studying Greeks and Romans in Social Studies. This would be a fabulous integration for us! Thanks!

  3. Keep up the awesome work Lily. Great idea about using this exercise for cross-discipline study "ispeakmath"! I've been a fan of your blog for sometime now

  4. Jeremiah,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind words there. I like your blog very much. I just became a follower and have placed your blog on my blog roll. Have a great summer!
    Amy (aka Science Stuff)


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