Things You'll Need:
Playing Cards
Two Player Directions For Normal Play
1. Shuffle a deck of playing cards.
2. Deal cards face down so that each player ends up with the same number of cards.
3.Put your cards in a stack face down without peeking at them.
4.Turn up your top card and place it in the center of the table. Be sure the other player does this at the same time you do.
5. See who has the higher card. The ace is highest, followed by the king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and, finally, the 2.
6. See if there is "war" ' that is, see if both cards on the table are the same, such as two jacks or two 3s.
7. If there is war, place your top card from your stack of cards face down on the turned-up card. Be sure the other player does this at the same time and without looking at the face-down card.
8. Turn up the next top card from your stack at the same time the other player does.
9. See who has the higher card.
10. Take all the cards from the center of the table if you had the higher card. Put these cards in a pile separate from your stack of cards. Give up your card or cards if you had the lower card.
11. Turn up the next top card from your stack of cards and place it in the center of the table when the other player does the same.
12. See who has the higher card, or if there is war. Take the cards if you end up with the higher card. Give up your card if yours is lower.
13. Turn over your cards one at a time until your stack is used up. Then use the pile of cards that you won as your stack and make a new pile for the cards you win.
14. Continue playing until one player has all the cards.
Two Player Directions For Negative Numbers.
Make the red cards negative and the black cards positive.
I developed a tool that helps kids visualize adding negative integers to positive ones (or subtracting a larger integer from a smaller one). You can see the tool at: